Ihre PV anlage

3,000+ companies use Sunreport
to monitor their PV systems.

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What is Sunreport?

Sunreport is a unique software that reads data from energy distributors, smart meters, inverters, and devices and shows complete data of all photovoltaic systems to keep them efficient at all times.

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Get the Data you need

  • Automatic Reports
  • The best customer service
  • Assessment of the PV system


Plant Monitoring

Monitoring of each individual photovoltaic system

Automatic Reports

Automatically creates and sends reports


Automation of the monitoring operation

Failure Prevention

Automatic system for the prevention of breakdowns


Notification of appropriate updates

Quality Service

Customer-centered quality service

Which best describes you?

Choose among the various solutions the one that best suits your needs. From a proprietary package to an enterprise package with customized platforms.

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Personal platform

You are in love with the energy of the sun

You are an innovator and believe in a future powered by renewable energy.
You want a software that can tell you everything about your system, its consumption, and connect to your home and company.


Follow up to 100 photovoltaic systems

You want to assist your customers in giving them periodic reports on the operation of the plant and the incentives.
Your business is growing and you want software that will help it to expand.


Follow over 100 photovoltaic plants

You are looking for photovoltaic system monitoring that will keep track of everything.
The cost of not knowing is much greater than that of using a custom platform.



Service and Maintenance (O+M)

Free your time to create services that make your customers happy.

  • With integrated intelligence, Sunreport creates reports that can be sent automatically and assist all your photovoltaic systems.
    Do not waste your time for your technicians to do calculations and create documents.

Installers and EPC

Add value to your offers and control the systems you build with a white label app and a true control platform.

  • With integrated intelligence Sunreport creates relationships with you and your customers and assists all your plants.
    Do not waste your time for your collaborators to create documents and respond to the needs of plant owners.
    Let Sunreport do it automatically.

Sales Firms

Retain your customers through new services.

  • Energy assessment reports on the operation of the systems suggestions for electric cars, accumulations and upgrades.
    Clear views of the consumed energy produced and sold are services that your customers love.

Owners and investors

Check the return on investment of photovoltaic systems.

  • Verifies production and Operation.
    Maintain system efficiency and optimize use and self consumption.

Get started for free now.

Check the return on investment of photovoltaic systems.

Start now.

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Takes only 5 minutes to start. All automatic.